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Op Day (9th February 2017)

6am Thursday morning, the day of his operation. We spent the night sleeping on the camp bed with him on my chest as that's how he sleeps best. He was well wrapped up so that he couldn't fall just so the nurses wouldn't mind, they didn't even say a thing about us co-sleeping which was good. That was the last night I can have cuddles like that until his tummy is healed after all.

Not long after 8am Nick arrives excited for cuddles with his little lad. Elliot loves his daddy and although he was hungry he was happy to have cuddles and play with toys before the op.

Then the time comes, it's nearly 10 o'clock and we're being taken down to theatre. Elliot is in his little baby hospital gown and Nick and I are putting on brave faces for him. Little after 10 I'm in the theatre with him, only one parent was allowed. We had cuddles while the anaesthetist held the mask over his face and I was holding back tears. Our boy is so brave. As I'm writing this section we're sitting at a cafe while he has his op waiting for the call that he's in recovery. We can't wait to see Elliot again. I'm now hoping the rest of this week will fly by.

Cuddles with mummy & daddy before the op
12:15 and we can go down and see our boy. The surgeon informed us it all went well and she 'fashioned' him a belly button, special boy will be one of a kind. In recovery Elliot is so unhappy, and I hate when he screams obviously. After being in the recovery area for a while it's time to go back to our room on the ward. He's wired up to machines making sure everything is still okay. Finally after all this time he can get better and we can play with him soon without worrying about hurting his tummy.

8pm and Elliot has slept most of the afternoon and evening. Nicks had to leave to go to work tomorrow which has actually made me sad. Was so nice having him with us today and not knowing what day we get to go home means not knowing when I'll get to see him. 

Of course Elliot kicks off just after Nick leaves stressing me more because I'm on my own and won't be able to sleep because putting him down causes him to freak out annoyingly. All these wires attached to him and machines are so annoying, getting in the way. Just want to cuddle my boy properly. I can't wait to get out of here.

Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Bye for tonight x

Hours after the op 

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