On 11th August 2007, 20 year-old Sophie Lancaster and her boyfriend Robert Maltby were kicked, stamped on and left unconscious - for nothing more than looking different. Sophie later died from her injuries.
It would have been Sophie's 23rd birthday on the 26th November.
ILLAMASQUA has funded an animated 4 minute video titled Sophie: A Dark Angel that will be premiered internationally on MTV this Thursday 26th November at 9pm [during a break of The Hills] it will then run after 9pm across all MTV channels.
Sylvia Lancaster, the Mother of Sophie has been quoted as saying “The film is a chilling and dramatic reminder of how prejudice, hatred and intolerance can destroy lives. It has been created as a reminder to all people to stop, and think twice, before judging, insulting, abusing or attacking someone – purely based on how they look.”
For more information on the charity visit http://www.sophielancasterfoundation.com
The video will also be available to watch at www.youtube.com/sophiefoundation
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