Kyle Kulinski is a far left internet troll on the web hosting some despicable propaganda a program called Secular Talk. Kyle always hits at women who are hot and not leftist liberals who agree and speak like he does and how this 38 year old virgin is attacking Trump press secretary Kayleigh McEnany who has taken over the press conference and speaking rules for Trump as the president realizes he no longer has time to waste with a hostile and foreign-funded press corps intent on making him look as negatively to the pubic as they can and this human toilet-mouth loser Kyle Kuslinski is about as bias as a Jim Acosta and others who have media jobs and "rights" to be on the grounds of the White House asking these as sine and abusive and absurd questions.

protests with their snide sly comments and reporting style and indeed this network and this top brass should really no longer be allowed to broadcast a it has and should be shut down with these two especially arrested and sent to a hard labor prison camp. Kyle Kulinski is a turd unable to get women and he is so trolled of the quick answers and deliberate trolling style of this incredible young women hired and working battling the bias press and throwing their misinformation right back at their propaganda ass. Kyle hates this woman because he can;t control and deny her the opportunity to speak up for Trump and explain to the American people what is really going on with the concentrated lefties attacks upon our culture and nation. He is a loser and always will be one angered and triggered at the sight and prospect of beautiful conservative woman speaking positively and fighting for the Trump administration against the hostile anti-American bought and global press media.
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