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She's Officially 20~~

This will be my last post till my finals end. First of all, happy belated birthday to u, my dear huei. Hope u enjoyed every moments on your birthday. Nothing much i could give on your birthday. I'm practically sorry about it. Hope you dont mind. =)

We celebrated her birthday early at Feeling Cafe. And finally you are officially 20! =) Without wasting time, let my pictures do the talking. =D







Birthday girl and i. XD

Sien, birthday girl and i

She acted innocent. =p

Kenneth and huei. =)

I had my first bottle of beer here. The taste of Tuborg is quite bitter. And i managed to finish drinking the whole bottle in addition another half bottle from huei. And to my surprise, my face didnt turn red at all. (feeling proud of it. lol) I even felt energetic after having that one and a half bottle of beer. Hope to try Corona Extra on my special day. teehee. XD

Tuborg =)


My dinner aka supper. =)

When the clock stroke past 12, we gave her a surprise. Her elder sister and younger brother were there. =)

Huei with her birthday cake..

With her elder sister. =)

With her younger brother. :)

Us. =D

Sien with her bottle of beer

Huei's turn. =)

Camwhored with my bottle of beer. Sorry for the sleepy look. =p

Huei and Sien.

three of us. =)

Sista forever. XD

hugging each other. *huggies*

*mi re do* lol. =p

P/s: Sorry for the blur pictures. I was so careless that i forgot to clean the lenses of my Shanice. =(
Pp/s: Bad hair day that night. =/

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