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Preparing to distract the Imperial Probe Droid in the snowy wastelands of Hoth.

Still aiding the Rebel Alliance and their new friends after the destruction of the Death Star at Yavin, the ever-loyal Chewbacca the Wookiee also continues his life debt to the bold and reckless smuggler Han Solo as the unique pair escape the enemy blockaded ice planet of Hoth with an unhappy Princess Leia and irritating Threepio in tow, get caught in a seemingly endless space pursuit by Imperial forces, then find themselves betrayed by an old buddy at Cloud City. It is in that final locale that Chewie's loyalty, emotional strength and battle resolve are tested more than ever before against the evil plans hatched by Darth Vader towards his human 'brother' in Han.

Atop the Millennium Falcon making welding repairs as Chewbacca waits for Han Solo's return from patrol.

With Han and Leia in the Echo base command centre as new dangers loom.

Chewbacca continues with his repair work on the busy Rebel base.

Chewie and Luke prepare to go separate ways, as Luke gives the Wookiee a goodbye gesture previously seen in the Star Wars Holiday Special.

In the asteroid field cave, an armed Chewbacca surveys the area around the Falcon for pesky Mynock creatures.

Co-piloting the Falcon, with Threepio as awkward passenger

Chewbacca keeps his eyes open as Han meets Lando at Bespin's Cloud City.

Chewbacca begins his walkabout of Cloud City on Bespin.

Beginning repairs to the wrecked Threepio in a touching scene.

Chewie takes on Imperial Stormtroopers to protect his friends in a deleted moment/angle in the Carbon Freezing Chamber at Bespin.

Our captured heroes look towards the carbon frozen block that is now Han Solo.

Chewie begins to throttle Lando in revenge for Han's carbon prison.

Preparing to give escape covering fire as Bespin residents flee, in a deleted moment.

Trying to get the Hyperdrive once more back into action. Thankfully, smaller help is on the way...

With Lando Calrissian, on course to rescue Han from Jabba the Hutt.

Enjoying a busy 1977 worldwide promoting the original Star Wars, Peter Mayhew, who brought such life, humanity, spirit and humour to the role of Chewbacca, deservedly basked in the glowing spotlight of being in the then most successful film ever made, then returned to a more humble and rewarding lifestyle, to his previous other 'family' of work colleagues as a London hospital porter. When the full confirmation of the saga's sequel arrived by 1978, however, Mayhew's second encounter with the beloved Wookiee character at Elstree Studios and Norway was a certainty not to be missed...

Peter Mayhew and Carrie Fisher have fun during the 1977 publicity of Star Wars.

Behind the scenes during filming of Empire.

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